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Top 4 Twitter apps for the iPad. Which one do you use?

If you do a search for tweets in the app store on the iPad you’ll find over four tabs of Twitter related apps. Some you’re familiar with and others I feel like are just trying to get your $2.99 or $0.99 by tagging their app with the word tweet and throwing up a makeshift twitter bird icon.

When the iPad first launched two twitter apps that are highly used among iPhone users were available such as Twitterrific and Tweetdeck. Soon to follow was Twittelator and I have never used Tweetings before but now they have released an iPad version of their Twitter app as well. Here’s a list of my top 4 Twitter apps for the iPad.





As for my favorite Twitter iPad app I’m using Twitterrific as I found some of the other three to be slow. It will be interesting to see how well these apps and some of the other Twitter Apps do after Tweetie is updated for the iPad aka Twitter for the iPad is released.

If you have an iPad what Twitter app are you using?

— Post From My iPad

Location:Market Plaza,Raleigh,United States