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New iPad app Penultimate surges to #1 in Apple’s app store on the top paid apps list

This is interesting, yesterday I wrote about how I used Evernote to take notes during a lunch meeting and how one of the other attendees had a MoleSkine notebook but didn’t use it. As a fan of MoleSkine products I know what it’s like to be always traveling with a notebook to not only take notes but to doodle/draw on as well.

Looking at the app store today I noticed an app called Penultimate surge past Apple’s Pages App and the popular utility app GoodReeder. So what is Penultimate? Well among first launching the app it reminds me of… old Molkeskine.

Penultimate is made by Cocoa Box Design who apparently made an iPhone handwriting app and seems to have captured the magic of Moleskine notebooks by giving us the same experience in an iPad app.

Will I use Penutilmate on a regular basis? I don’t know yet as I like how Evernote saves my notes on the “cloud” and I can access them from anywhere. But you can email your “handwriting” notes to review later or you can email an entire Penutilmate notebook.

To see how Penutilmate works take a look at one of my “hot” handwriting notes below. 🙂

Also I’m sure it’s not something Apple may or may not have intended to do but I think the iPad is bringing back the stylus! It’s something you may need to assist you in writing notes. Today I picked up a pogo sketch from the Apple Store.

I’ve seen the pogo stylus used not only for note taking but for many of the drawing apps made for the iPad too.

App description from

The ultimate notes app for iPad®. Write, sketch, imagine and remember. Your touch creates beautiful ink. Organize your ideas into infinite notebooks, and share by email with your coworkers, classmates, and friends.
Write everything from love letters to doodles with your own Handwriting, on your iPhone® or iPod touch®. Share notes by email, Facebook, or Twitter.

*Disclaimer: I have no relationship with the makers of Penutilmate & this is not a sponsored post.

What iPad app do you use for taking notes/sketches and why?

— Post From My iPad

Location:Turtle Point Dr,Raleigh,United States