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iPad app review: App Notifications goes 2.0 & why it’s my most used & favorite iPhone/iPad app

I get the feeling that if you ask many iPhone or iPad users what is there favorite app you’ll hear a range of apps being games or books or entertainment apps. For me it’s simple app called App Notifications (@appnotification on Twitter). So what does App Notifications do? Well, it does a lot but to keep it simple, it pushes custom content to my iPhone and now my iPad in real-time as it’s created/published. The content can range from RSS feeds, email, Twitter searches and more. I first started using App Notifications a few months ago on my iPhone and fell in love with it as it keeps me updated when tech news and other information have been published and in today’s time sensitive world having news pushed to you vs you have to go out and find it can save you some time. Also making you look smart at the same time by being current on what’s happening on the blogosphere. 🙂 But remember you have to set up filters, add your feeds and that App Notifications just delivers the content to your device.

App Notifications is not free and does have subscription model for alerts but depending on your industry it’s worth it as you can also use it as a twitter keyword monitoring app. Hey, good service cost.

Recently App Notifications released App Notifications 2.0 for the iPad and iPhone and it work/looks great.

Here’s the pitch from

What is the purpose of your application?
Push is an iPhone App that acts as a client for the Apple Push Notification Service. We support push from RSS feeds, Google Voice, Facebook, Twitter, Email, 3rd party with a standard API. We even include a REST API. We also support multiple devices syncing if you own more than one iPhone/iPod Touch device.

We also have a full featured website available at (use a desktop browser) where you can read your notifications, change your settings and more.

App Notifications is an iPhone app that acts as a client for the Apple Push Notification Service.
Use our ready-made Twitter, GMail, Google Voice, and RSS notification services to instantly receive new tweets, search results, emails, RSS feeds, or create your own custom notifications with our simple REST API.

If your looking for similar apps, you may want to try Notifo made by NC friend/developer @Jazzychad. Both are great apps either way.

*Disclaimer this is not a sponsored post and they did not ask me to blog about their apps.

What is your favorite iPhone and/or iPad app?

— Post From My iPad

Location:Chapel Hill Rd,Durham,United States