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Twitter vs Facebook audio & video apps on your iPhone

As the Twitter vs Facebook content battle continues and with the iPhone 3Gs playing both sides the war shifts to multimedia content. In recent weeks we have seen audio iPhone apps such as Tweetmic and Facemic released in the app store both providing the ability to send recorded messages to there respected social network.

Now that we have the iPhone 3Gs which makes it easy record video, two new apps are available to send video to both Twitter and Facebook from your iPhone. One is called Tweet Reel and the other is called Video Up.

I haven’t tested either one of the video apps yet but they both look interesting. I’m wondering how well video up will do after the new Facebook app is released that will have video uploading features built in as well.

As for me, I’m currently using Posterous to send audio and video to both Twitter, Facebook and my blog at the same time. Another video iPhone app I’m waiting to see upgraded for iPhone 3Gs is the 12seconds app that will allow you to send short videos to both platforms.

How are you sending audio and video to Twitter and Facebook?

PS: Don’t forget about your blog.

— Post From My iPhone