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Twitter me this, Twitter me that, What is your favorite Twitter iPhone app?

As Twitter popularity continues to grow so does the amount of Twitter iPhone apps. I’ve tried just about all of the iPhone Twitter apps going back to the original Twitter iPhone app Twitterrific to the even some of the Twitter to voice applications such as TweetMic.

One of the latest is Birdfeed a simple app with the speed of Twittie. Also new to the Twitter iPhone app domination race is Tweetdeck. I currently have four Twitter apps on my iPhone and I’m torn between which one I like the most or more important, which one is the most useful and/or productive for me.

The four Twitter apps I have installed are:



Twitterrific premium

In terms of my favorite Twitter iPhone app today, I have to go with birdfeed because of the interface, speed and layout options. The Twitter app I find most useful is Tweetdeck because of how easy it is to make group searches. The Twitter app I use most often is Tweetie because of the speed and I have most of my Twitter accounts setup with it already. Twitterrific is an old school classic as being the first ever Twitter app for the iPhone and they have NC ties so I keep it installed. Twitterrfic does have some features I like but the new 2.0 app is an overload sometimes when I want to do something quick (sorry guys 🙁 )

Now it’s your turn, Twitter me this, Twitter me that, what is your favorite Twitter iPhone app and why?

— Post From My iPhone