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Friday Fix: Social Media brings me home. Thanks to @TyDowning

Twitter / Ty Downing: Rt Wilmington expects u to ...

If you have been following my Brightkite updates and tweets over the past 48 hrs then you know that I was in Wilmington, NC on Thursday for a talk on Social Media. I was asked to do the talk by Ty Downing of SayitSocial, someone who I’ve only known virtually via twitter and now someone who I call a friend. I was excited about doing the talk for a few reasons, one being that Wilmington is kind of like a second home for me as I’m originally from Teachey, NC which is only 30 to 40 minutes away from Wilmington. As a youth I would make the drive down to Wilmington to hang out and as I told Ty that my prom was in Wilmington. Therefore I was humbled and nervous about the presentation as my audince would be a room of savvy SEO experts, bloggers, web designers, marketers and individuals who wanted to learn more about social media.

The meetup was called Social Media Talk With Wayne Sutton and as I kept trying to brainstorm how to cover social media in one hour… you can’t! So what I decided to do was try to facilitate a discussion on social media with the attendees along with a little history lesson of who is Wayne Sutton. You can see the presentation below via slideshare.

The attendees had questions on social media such as: What tools to use monitor their brand, how to get started with social media, what tools they should use to track urls and more. Ty along with Lori Lorusso live streamed the entire talk on and uploaded a clip of the talk to youtube, both you can see below.

Ustream of my Talk on Social Media in Wilmington, NC
Webcam chat at Ustream

A Youtube video clip from Ty’s iPhone 3GS of my Talk on Social Media

I really want to thank Ty and the attendees for having me and from the comments on the site it looks like the attendees enjoyed it.
Kimberly – “ Excellent and very informative. Thank you so much! ”

Holly Powell – “ Wayne was very informative. I enjoyed the meeting and look forward to the next event. ”

Chip Hunnicutt – “ Didn’t hear anything groundbreaking (for me anyway) but questions showed different levels of expertise in the audience and potential for future specialized gatherings. Was particularly intrigued by the “startup” weekend concept. ”

Doug Erickson – “ Wayne was a great speaker and knows his “Social Media”

It looks like to have to work on something “groundbreaking” for my next talk but honest feedback is always welcome. Also a big thanks to the great people at the C. W. Worth House who sponsored my stay on Thursday night. The C. W. Worth House is elegant and a must visit if you’re looking for a bed and breakfast in Wilmington.
C. W. Worth House Bed and Breakfast
C. W. Worth House Bed and Breakfast C. W. Worth House Bed and Breakfast

PS. This has been a #shamelessplug blog post by Wayne Sutton 🙂