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Is Osfoora HD the best Twitter iPad App? Screenshots

There are over 15 Twitter iPad apps in Apple’s iTunes app store and the list is growing weekly. Recently at a conference, I was sitting at a table with four of my friends who all had iPads and the “what Twitter iPad app do you use” question was asked and all four said Osfoora HD ( I have tried Osfoora HD Twitter iPad app before but was still using Twitterrific for the iPad at time. So I launched Osfoora HD, moved it to my dock, added a few accounts and now it’s my primary Twitter iPad app. Not because all my iPad friends were using it but after listening to the reasons why my friends like Osfoora, it seemed I just needed to give the Twitter app another try.

If you’re interested in Osfoora HD, it coast $3.99, packed with features and with the way the developers designed the app it’s worth it, especially if you spend a lot of time using Twitter on your iPad.

Here are some of Osfoora HD features listed via iTunes and screenshots.

Osfoora HD for Twitter is a blazing fast and clean twitter client for your iPad. Provides elegant and easy access to all of Twitter’s functionalities. Osfoora HD has all the features of Osfoora for iPhone and more.
With a gorgeous user interface, multiple account support, optional full landscape mode (customizable), text expander, boxcar support, twitter lists, nearby tweets, and the ability to tweet songs… using twitter becomes a joy!

★ Multiple account support with easy management.
★ Full landscape support (Configurable).
★ Saves App position on termination (Main Views, scroll position, and Compose View)
★ Great Follow Friday Generator
★ Native TextExpander Support
★ Tweet Songs.
★ Auto Refresh (1,2,3,4,5 minute intervals). Can be turned off.
★ Easily explore and manage your twitter timeline, mentions, messages, favorites, lists, saved searches, and more.
★ Informative timeline, indicates Retweets, Conversations, Faves, Images, own posts, read/unread all inline.
★ Advanced attachment manager, attach multiple photos at once to a single message.
★ Twitlonger support.
★ Easy access to all your contacts.
★ Advanced drafts manager.
★ Support for native retweets and normal RT mode.
★ Customize your twitter profile, change avatar, personal info.
★ Excellent user profile viewer, save and fully view profile images, user location on Map, more.
★ Lists support, View/Add/Delete/Edit.
★ Subscribe/Unsubscribe to Lists.
★ Add/Remove users to your own lists.
★ View your Retweets, Retweets of others, and your tweets that have been Retweeted.
★ View Geotagged tweets, also GeoTag your own tweets.
★ View/Save/Remove Search terms with synchronization to twitter.
★ Nearby Search, Map View.
★ Search for users on Twitter.
★ Trends support.
★ Translate tweets.
★ Seamless Instapaper/Read It Later integration.
★ Url shortnening with bitly and tinyURL.
★ Support for custom bitly logins and API keys.
★ Upload photos with yfrog, twitpic,, tweetphoto, and Posterous.
★ See Conversations between friends.
★ Direct messages with Conversation support.
★ InApp browser, email, image viewer.
★ Delete tweets, Block users, report as Spam.
★ Customize Font size, refresh rate.
★ Notifications supported via BoxCar App
★ No missing any tweets, via gap detection.
★ Mark All as Read
★ Email and Save images.

**Includes: icons by Joseph Wain /
**Supports TextExpander touch snippet expansion

If you’re interested in other Twitter iPad apps blogged about on check out my Twitter iPad apps oneforty toolkit below.

What Twitter iPad app do you use?

— Post From My iPad