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As Apple’s iPad awaits the official Twitter for iPad app, 6 more Twitter iPad apps look to cash in. Screenshots

It has been a month or so since @Twitter has released the official Twitter app for the iPhone and iPad users are left still waiting for an update. In the mean time other Twitter iPad app developers have released a few worthy Twitter iPad apps and if you search the iTunes app store for Twitter or tweets you’ll see around 15 plus apps. Also a few weeks ago I wrote a post called “Top 4 Twitter apps for the iPad : ” Stating at the time, out of the four twitterrific was the best. Here’s a list of six more Twitter iPad apps with screenshots.

1. Osfoora HD

2. Tweets

3. Echofon for iPad

4. TwitRocker

5. TwitBird

6. TweetTime

Out of the six Twitter iPad apps above my favorite is between TweetTime or Osfoora which is only $0.99 vs $7.99 for Tweets.

I’m not sure what is taking so long for the official Twitter iPad app to be released. Maybe they’re waiting for the new iOS4 for the iPad to come out. Regardless there are plenty Twitter iPad apps to choose from.

Out of the Twitter iPad apps above which one do you use or have used before?

Which Twitter iPad app do you use now?

— Post From My iPad