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Why I’m changing my twitter avatar for 1 day, #noiconday.

If you’re following me on twitter then you’ll notice something different, I’ve changed my avatar. To some changing your twitter avatar is not a big deal but for me it is. You see, I’ve been on twitter since 2006 (#twitterOT) and from day one I’ve always used my caricature as my avatar. My caricature was created 2005 and I’ve used it as my logo, on business cards and is part of my personal branding. It separates me from everyone else and as one of the few African-Americans on twitter in the earlier days my caricature really stood out from others. Read here to find out how created my caricature.

What sparked this recent discussion of changing my twitter avatar? Well, I submitted my caricature to have on my badge for SXSW and it was rejected. Then I posted a tweet about it and decided to run a twtpoll and ask my twitter friends “Should I ditch my cartoon avatar for a real live picture?” , the results 148 yes to 108 no.


Plus one of my twitter Raleigh friends @DiMambro has been trying to get me to change it for a while , saying it’s time for something new but I’ve been disagreeing with him for about a year now. So today March 9, 2009 is officially #noiconday, and I’ve have a few friends joining me as well, changing their twitter profile icons to real life photos. Check out these twitter pictures while they last because tomorrow we’re all going back to our icons.







I wonder does @Chrispirillo gets asked to change his twitter icon?

Either way at #SXSW on my badge you’ll see the same photo I’m using today and tomorrow I’m going back to my caricature on twitter. To justify my reasoning for keeping the caricature take a look at my new portal site: and read these comments from the twtpoll.


@davidjagger: You are your brand, not something that might look like you. Do people do biz with your avatar or you? Your answer, is answer to question.


@therab: my wife was just saying the cartoon avatar looks just like you. i say have fun w/ ur brand. social media should = fun. people see u in video


@mclgreenville: keep it. I looks exactly like you. Goes perfectly w. your personality. I wish I had one. šŸ™

I do want to say thanks for all the positive feedback from everyone on twitter about the picture .

vhanna26: I like the new avatar.

about 4 hours ago

Jubril: I bet you are going to get alot of people know in airport and such places knowing your face.

about 7 hours ago

AlexaMorales: You are handsomer in the pic than the avatar!

about 7 hours ago

thesoulcoach: ahh what a cutie

about 8 hours ago

Deltavogue: LOL! that is hilarious!

about 8 hours ago

iFroggy: Maybe I should change the frog for a day, in a show of solidarity with you. šŸ™‚

about 9 hours ago

CarolRiddickRDU: Lookin&#39 good. Love the pic. BTW, you & @martinbrossman did a great twitter 101 class, thx, I learned alot…see? I&#39m here!

about 9 hours ago

blackgirlchi: wow…you&#39re actually kinda cute…

about 9 hours ago

jbrotherlove: snazzy. now you look like you&#39re on your way to church.

about 9 hours ago

DonaldPayne: Having a real face to connect with makes since.

about 9 hours ago

maryhavlicek: I think your real-life picture makes you look younger.

about 9 hours ago

AjaniSandridge: WHOAAAA..he&#39s alive!!!!!

about 9 hours ago

Tcsavory: nope i say have what you want on twitter, as long as it&#39s respectful, no vote for me on that topic

about 9 hours ago

BiffyB: I love the cartoon, Wayne. You do take a good picture though

about 9 hours ago

steven_sanders: I like your real avatar better than the cartoon!

about 9 hours ago

tyme: HAHA Look at you! Made me do a double take. You look professional. Nicely done. šŸ™‚

about 9 hours ago

waynesutton: Starting now: No cartoon avatar day on twitter, you voted for change & now you&#39re getting it… for 1 day see –

about 9 hours ago