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Twitter poll & feedback: What would you do without Twitter, build your own community?

If you have been reading the tech news lately then I’m sure you have seen the rumors about Google buying twitter and that Facebook tried to buy twitter? On Saturday Techcrunch posted an article from Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt interview with Charlie Rose, saying that it was “Unlikely” that Google to buy Twitter.  On Friday, I was thinking about the same topic and posted a tweet saying:
Twitter / Wayne Sutton: Poll: If twitter goes down ...
If twitter goes down or purchased & closed, where will you send everyone to contact you?
Take a look at the results below curiosity of @twickie

jimoz: All 3 plus Friendfeed

about a day ago

jeremyellison: Facebook. Definately

about a day ago

JanAboutTown: Blog, I’d send them to my blog…

about a day ago

resnodesigns: I think I would send them to my blog. Its the only place I communicate often enough.

about a day ago

Admore: D) whatever the next shiny toy is. Can see Twitter being acquired… but not closing shop.

about a day ago

JasonOkuma: for me, it would be FB. what about you?

about a day ago

talktotisha: YIKES! I guess my domain would need to be dusted off. Can’t imagine using FB in the same capacity I use twitter!

about a day ago

Recruiting_U: blog then Friend Feed

about a day ago

kcwebgirl: linkedin. facebook is for family and friends and blog is too random!

about a day ago

modeling22: Facebook 😉 #poll

about a day ago

jason_austin: lets hope that doesn’t happen. I’d be lost without twitter…

about a day ago

jawar: Today my website. In a few days I will have a much better response.:-) EXECUTING the thought out plan. RE: if Twitter closed

about a day ago

jreesnc: Britekite?

about a day ago

kevinrscott: I would direct folx to my blog. Our own sites should be our best platform for contact.

about a day ago

FreddieScott: blog….

about a day ago

waynesutton: Poll: If twitter goes down or purchased & closed, where will you send everyone to contact you? Facebook or Linkedin or your blog?

about a day ago

The results are mixed but Facebook seems like the place everyone will try to communicate and with all the changes that Facebook has made recently it’s not a bad idea. For me, my #1 goal is to create a self hosted or managed solution to where I can stay connected with every single twitter follower I have.  How?  First blog rss subscriptions, you can subscribe here: or the big orange button on your right :). Next email subscribers, I’ve been collecting email addresses on every site I have, take a look at & . Soon I’m going to launch using and I’m working with a company to launch a mobile sms marketing campaign to build a mobile database but for now you can text get waynesutton to 762763 .

Update: is now live, join!

Why the need to collect users or create a community backup?  It’s simple we have come to depended on twitter and don’t forget how felt during the failwhale season of 2008.  Plus if you can create or build your own community, it increases your social capital which you can use to possible create brand partnerships or other networking opportunities. More on social capital here: Digital Urbanite . Don’t worry as a twitter fanboy, I’m still tweeting as usual but now with everyone on the twitter bandwagaon and buyout talks showing up every other week, I’m just being a little cautious.  Also we’re three months into 2009 and still waiting on a twitter business model and I’m not sure how that will effect the use of twitter.

For those of you who missed the tweet, take the poll below and fell free to leave a comment on your thoughts about building your own community; why or why not.

What would you do without Twitter?