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@iamDiddy says, take that to mogulus and the twitter nation

The King of Bad Boy & MTV ‘s Making the Band super producer Sean aka Diddy Combs is officially taking over or at least trying to take over twitter. In recent weeks Diddy has been pimping his twitter profile (@iamDiddy) more than Donnie’s 1st album and although I didn’t see the show, I heard he was on Ellen talking about twitter like he was the cofounder … only Diddy.

The other day I saw a tweet by Diddy saying he was live and it went to his Mogulus live stream url Take a look at Diddy on Mogulus, it was short lived..

Diddy was forced to switch to Mogulus after high traffic volume shut down his feed at Ustream.TV. Surprisingly, while Diddy was broadcasting on Mogulus, the Ustream.TV team contacted him and asked him to come back to because they worked things out. Ok, Diddy… I wish I had that problem. Either way, the next day Diddy was all set with a custom Ustream.TV design, without the normal Ustream.TV chat but a widget. Ustream.TV show url:
PTWITTYTV, Ustream.TV_ PTWITTY TV IS LIVE!!! twitter.com_iamdiddy. Entertainment,Music Videos

Why tweetgrid, instead of the live chat? Simple: @iamDiddy is all about the tweets and followers. He even said on the Mogulus live stream that he wasn’t responding to the chat but only tweets. On top of that, guess what the #1 trending word was on Friday? Diddy.
Diddy - Twitter Search

So can the man who has the #1 show on MTV now have the #1 show on twitter and Ustream.TV? Only time will tell. Also check out: P Diddy Becomes the Newest Celeb to Use on

  • What are your thoughts on P.Twitty.TV?
  • Is Diddy over doing it or is he showing the rest of the music industry how to use social media to survive?
  • What music artist would you like to see use social media like Diddy?
  • Did Mogulus miss an opportunity to work with Diddy while he was using their service?