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I’ve Sold My Side Project Anonymously Ask A Black Person (AABP)



Sometimes side projects are meant to be side projects and sometimes they are meant to be more. For Anonymously Ask A Black Person (AABP) it’s meant to be more. Then comes the question am I the person to lead Anonymously Ask A Black Person to be more. I’ve been asking myself that over the past two months as I’ve been working on the BUILDUP Fellows program and Tech Inclusion Conference.

From the beginning AABP was suppose to be a weekend hack/side project built out of frustration of lack of positive tech coverage in diversity in tech, built because I had an idea, built because I’ve been planning tech events and wanted to continue to sharpen my developer/hack skills, and built because I wanted to created a way to bridge the race relations gap among African-Americans and every other ethnic group in the world.

After launching Anonymously Ask A Black Person (AABP) I was surprised by the reaction from various ethnic groups especially from African-Americans. I’ve written about the journey of building, launching and relaunching AABP in the post below.

How and Why I built “Anonymously Ask A Black Person” SMS platform that reached almost 10,000 page views & removed from Product Hunt in 48 hours with Twilio

Anonymously Ask A Black Person via SMS (ABP) is Back Online – Team, Goals, Features and Task List

Anonymously Ask A Black Person First 3 Day Numbers; 4900 Page Views, Top 5 Show Hacker News & Tons of Penis Questions

Measuring Anonymously Ask A Black Person First 10 Days; 1,050 SMS Messages with Twilio & 16,497 Pageviews

Anonymously Ask A Black Person Passes 3K SMS & Featured In Just Kidding Films Generated 5k Pageviews in 48 hours

Over the course of the short life of Anonymously Ask A Black Person (AABP) from May 2014 to today, November 12 below are some key stats:

Team Members – 15
Press Article – 11
Page Views – 32,896
Unique Visits – 27,856
Total Messages Sent and Received – 8094

ask a black person press

As for Anonymously Ask A Black Person (AABP) to become more than a side project I realized that I’m not the best person to continue to be involved or lead the team. Today I’m pleased to share that I’ve sold Anonymously Ask A Black Person (AABP) to Robert Murray. Robert Murray is a full stack developer and Senior iOS Engineer. Robert has been a team member and supporter of AABP since day one. You can learn more about Robert Murray via his Twitter @robertmurray and LinkedIn profile


I’m looking forward to see where Robert takes Ask A Black Person (AABP) and I’m grateful for his friendship, support and vision believe in my side project.