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My Entrepreneurs are Everywhere Story on Steve Blank’s SiriusXM Radio Show

wayne sutton with steve blank

steve blank
Steve Blank is a legend in the startup world. Steve is the creator of the Lean Startup movement, author of Startup Owners Manual and Four Steps To The Epiphany. I first met Steve in 2012 as he advised the very first pilot of the Startup Weekend NEXT program. Then we participated on a panel together at Stanford in the same year. Our friendship began after that. In 2014 I asked Steve to be an advisor to BUILDUP. BUILDUP is a U.S. based 501(c)(3) non-profit designed to support an inclusive ecosystem of entrepreneurs focused on building new technologies to solve the world’s most critical challenges.

Earlier this year Steve launched the “Entrepreneurs are Everywhere” weekly radio show broadcasting Thursdays, 4 – 5 PM Eastern on SiriusXM’s Business Radio Powered by The Wharton School (channel 111).

The show features founders of companies from across the United States sharing their experience of what it takes to build a startup – from restaurants, to rocket scientists, to on-line groceries, to on-line gifts and more. The show examines the DNA of entrepreneurs – what makes them tick, how they came up with their ideas – and, explore the habits that make them successful, and the highs, lows and pivots that pushed them forward.

Today I was a guest on the Entrepreneurs are Everywhere show recorded at Stanford’s video office. During the episode we talked about my entrepreneurship journey from Teachey, NC to Silicon Valley, lessons learned from my previous startups and diversity in tech.
wayne sutton with steve blank

I’ll keep you posted on the show air date and time but for now listen to previous episodes on SiriusXM Channel 111 or on Steve’s Soundcloud channel.