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Weekly Pitch: Social Cord offers premium content to your audience

Social Cord - Monetizing Social Networks with Premium Content

The Pitch
Social Cord is a premium content billing platform that allows you to offer paid content subscriptions to your fans, followers, or users. Social Cord subscriptions are billed directly to the mobile phone bill, and the content is delivered by SMS which means it works across all carriers and phone types.

Social Cord is like cable for Social Networks and YOU GET PAID EVERY MONTH YOUR USERS ARE SUBSCRIBED. Learn more about how Social Cord works visit:

At beta, Social Cord is seeking the following types of users:
· Social network app developers
· Music Artists
· Celebrities
· Media Companies
· Religious Institutions
· Other Content Creators

If you have an audience that is highly engaged with your content, and you’d like to provide premium content that your audience pays for, then Social Cord is for you.

Monetize Twitter Today!
We also offer a Twitter plug-in called Tipcup that allows you to send unique content to your Twitter followers that subscribe to your premium content feed. Learn more about Tipcup here:

Earn More By Signing Up Today!
We are offering our first 100 beta testers a 10% lifetime bonus on any revenue earned on the Social Cord platform.

We’re working hard to make Social Cord the best premium content billing platform, possible so all of your feedback is welcome. If you have questions or comments please don’t hesitate to email me or contact me in any way below.

David K Dundas – Founder of Social Cord
“Freemium your content with Social Cord!”

I have not beta tested Social Cord yet but I will in the near future.

If you would like for me to review your product or site email: pitches at socialwayne dot com . Disclaimer: I have no investment or relationship with the creators of this site. Thank you.