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Twitter for Business is now open

Twitter for Business

Tonight ReadWriteWeb broke the news about the new Twitter for Business platform that allows businesses to buy Ads, Trending Topics & promoted tweets. Depending on how long you have been using Twitter you may be thinking what took them so long. Regardless it looks like Twitter is setting up to make money from anyone who would like to get more followers and/or just to increase their Twitter presence. A lot of questions are soon to follow and it will be interesting to see what type of companies and brands start using the new Twitter for Business dashboard and analytics service.

Promoted Tweets

Only time will tell how this will work out and be received by everyday Twitter users, regardless you can get started with Twitter for Business by going here: For more on Twitter for Business follow @TwitterBusiness and see the ReadWriteWeb post here and TheNextWeb post here

What are your thoughts on the new Twitter for Business platform? Do you think it will be overused by brands and marketers just to get more followers?