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Twitoaster launches API and WordPress plugin to bring twitter conversations & analytics to your site.

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The Pitch
Twitoaster ( ) – the service threading conversations on Twitter, favorite of New York Times writer David Pogue – is launching its open API on Thursday, October the 8th.

This API will open all Twitoaster’s data and services (conversations threading and archiving, statistics, search…) to third party applications.

This could be a great news for many Twitter app developers, as they’ll find here a very easy way to integrate conversations and statistics in their applications.

Companies looking to manage efficiently their Twitter(s) account(s) could also be interested. For example, it will be quite simple to include their Twitter conversations in their CRM.

For bloggers, a WordPress plugin using the Twitoaster API has also been released ( ). The plugin automatically retrieves Twitter replies to Blog’s posts. These “Twitter comments” are displayed like comments, on the posts pages they are related to.


Being that Twitoaster WordPress plugin was just launched today and I just installed it here on, I wil follow-up with a review in a few weeks but if you ReTweet this post, then you should see how Twitoaster works.

I have no investment or relationship with the creators of this site.