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Tweetbot – a new Twitter iPhone app and what are Twitter users saying about it? #screenshots

Tweetbot is a full-featured iPhone Twitter client with a lot of personality.

Just when you thought the world and/or Apple’s iTunes app store didn’t need a new Twitter iPhone app, Tweetbot made by Tapbots launches. “Tweetbot is a full-featured iPhone Twitter client with a lot of personality. ” it reads on the Tapbot website describing Tweetbot and a lot of personality it does have. Tweetbot has more than personality working for it. I would say Tweetbot provides a new 2011 beautiful user interface (UI) design to using Twitter on the iPhone.

The launch of Tweetbot probably couldn’t come at a better time either as over the past month or so Twitter upset a lot of their iPhone users by adding then removing what was called the “dickbar” and other small annoying UI changes to the official Twitter iPhone app. So, what’s all the Tweetbot hype about? Take a look at the screenshots below.

What are Twitter users saying about Tweetbot?

Have you purchased Tweetbot for the iPhone and going to make the switch or are you going to stick with your current Twitter iPhone app?