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Adding Twitter’s Anywhere & Facebook Like to TriOut for online location-based engagement & brand awareness

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Over the past few weeks both Twitter and Facebook have made announcements about new features allowing users to add to their existing web presence increasing engagement and brand awareness. For Twitter it was the announcement of Anywhere that gives you the ability to activate Hovercards wherever you mention a Twitter account on your website. For Facebook it was the new social plugin “Like” button that allows website owners to add a like button to their website and when someone clicks on the button it shows on their Facebook profile wall.

Today we’re pleased to announced that we have integrated both Twitter’s Anywhere and Facebook’s “Like” button on the website. To use Twitter’s Anywhere services just go a user’s profile page or a location page that has a Twitter account. Then hover your mouse over the Twitter name and a Hovercard will pop-up allowing you to follow the Twitter Name if you’re already logged into Twitter. See the examples below:

To see how the Facebook Like button works just visit any location page such as the 3Cups TriOut Page and you’ll see Facebook Like button in the details box. If your already logged into Facebook and click on the “Like” button it will show your Facebook profile icon saying you liked the location and it will also show on your Facebook wall that you “liked” the location. Examples below:

Also we added our email newsletter subscription sign-up form to the footer of the website. Previously it was only available on the blog sidebar. Now you can sign-up anywhere on the website, something I recommend you do as we have a few major announcements that we’re going to make soon.

Another update was to bring more awareness of our new mobile website and our presence in Apple’s iTunes app store. Therefore we added banners above the leadeboard section of the website.

Lastly we added another location where you can sign into or create your TriOut account. For example if you do a search for “coffee” in the results you see on right the following box below.

That’s it for now and we hope you like the updates. Between the changes above along with the implementation of TriOut being included into Check.In, founder/developer Lawrence Ingraham has been very busy.

Let us know what you think about the updates and thanks for the support!

*Disclaimer: I’m a partner in TriOut where I serve as the business development/marketing strategist.

Have you added either the Facebook Like button or Twitter’s Anywhere hovercard to your website?