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This Week In Location: The return of the old school, Brightkite + Loopt deals & InCrowd launches in the 1.8 billion industry

Location-Based Apps Names

If you read the same old tech blogs you’ll think it was a light week in the location space. It was light compared to the last two weeks as everyone catches their breath and move forward from the Facebook Places announcement but the location industry was very much active this week as ever. Over the last seven days two of the very first location-based services announced check-in rewards/specials. Brightkite teamed with McDonald’s and Visa and Loopt announced a deal with Virgin wich equaled their fifth largest day ever. Also this week the creators of MyTown, Booyah’s new InCrowd iPhone app was released. InCrowd was first announced during the Facebook Places announcement. My thoughts so far on InCrowd? It’s not for hardcore check-in users. It’s more like an avatar game made for kids who want to check-in, IMHO. Perhaps the biggest news last week was a report saying Location-Based Marketing To Reach $1.8B In 2015 and you wonder why we started TriOut? Speaking of TriOut founder @LawPower posted this week about the future plans for the service along with more version two features. So was it a slow week? No, to catch up here are 41 location-based articles from last week that you may have missed.

Video: Shopkick CEO: Here’s What Sets Us Apart From Foursquare

  1. ABI: Location-Based Marketing To Reach $1.8B In 2015
  2. Seven upcoming location-based events you should follow… I mean attend
  3. GEO M. Future of Location Half-Day Conference
  4. Huge Facebook Places Backlash Spreads Through Status Updates
  5. do you want to triout foursquare for real estate?
  6. Scobleizer on Google, Facebook, Location, iPad, and Android
  7. Shopkick CEO: Here’s What Sets Us Apart From Foursquare
  8. TriOut v2 Dev Journal: Right Now Screen
  9. Foursquare offers reward for checking in after STD checkups
  10. Technology Aside, Most People Still Decline to Be Located
  11. Foursquare: Shiny Object or Mainstream?
  12. How SCVNGR is turning the world into a game, one location at a time – with Seth Priebatsch, Chief Ninja
  13. Check (In) Yo’ Self Before You Wreck Yo’ Self: Why Foursquare Users Check In “Off The Grid”
  14. Foursquare Now 3 Million Strong
  15. How to Hack Nike+ for Automatic Foursquare Check-ins
  16. Nearby Friends: New Cyber-Stalking App for Tracking Facebook Places Check-Ins
  17. iTunes Features Location Apps with New “On the Grid” Section
  18. Facebook Places, Revisited
  19. How Amazon gave Whrrl’s founder his startup inspiration
  20. Two Types of Consumers Are Using Check-in Apps: Hyperactive and Hyperpassive
  21. Location-based services not connecting with consumers
  22. Virgin America Checks In to Fifth Largest Revenue Day Ever with Loopt
  23. Booyah releases InCrowd for iPhone and iPod touch
  24. Mobile marketing has a new friend in WeReward
  25. Brightkite Teams With McDonalds & Visa For Unique LBS Rewards Campaign
  26. Start Saving Today: SCVNGR Announces Rewards Programs for 50+ Local Businesses in Boston
  27. Gowalla adds new Highlights feature
  28. Will Americans Be More Likely to Share Location With Facebook Places?
  29. Which Geolocation Platform Is Best For Sports Marketers?
  30. Facebook Places is Terrible
  31. 5 New Ways Small Business Can Offer Location-Based Deals
  32. The History of the Cell Phone Infographic
  33. Check-in, Chicken
  34. Sharing Locations with Google Maps
  35. Booyah’s InCrowd Helps Find Mr. and Mrs. Popular with New App on the App Store
  36. Payless Shoe Source offers a nationwide foursquare special for first-timers
  37. Why Foursquare is the (almost) perfect travelling companion
  38. Gowalla rolls out Gowalla 1.0 for BlackBerry
  39. AOL Acquires Mobile Development Firm “Rally Up” To Bolster New “Mobile-First” Initiative
  40. Shakey’s Pizza Adds 16K Opt-Ins And Sees 10% Conversion Using Mobile Coupons & SMS
  41. PlacePop Facebook App Brings Places Check-Ins Feed To The Web Interface