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The meaning of my Twitter #hashtags the 2012 edition

A few people have asked what my twitter #hashtags mean. For example, #DES and #BFD. If you don’t know, since being a Twitter early adopter (joined in 2006, user #874) I love hashtags. I created the #vampiremode hashtag a few years ago and from May 2009 to December 2010 launched a social media agency called OurHashtag with three partners.

Hashtags have been around for years before twitter in IRC channels and became popular on Twitter when Chris Messina started using hashtags tweeting about #barcamp events. In 2009 Twitter started linking #hashtags together in search results. Ref. wikipedia.

Earlier this year I tweeted that #DES would be my 2012 motto which stands for “Do Epic S**T”. You get the meaning. Here’s the complete rundown of my personal urban dictionary of #hashtags I like to use.

1. #vampiremode – The act of staying up late from 10:00 P.M. to 3:00 A.M. working on projects and getting things done.

2. #DES – “Do Epic S**T” . Normal is for everyday people. You’re not normal, so do epic things and go after your dreams.

3. #BFD – “Big Fuc***G Deal” The rest of the world my not know it but you know that you’re a big *** deal and you’re going to act like it and work on things until the world knows you’re a #BFD

4. #changetheworld – Exactly what it says, change the world. Things could be a lot better in this world but sadly it’s going to get worse but until then we must do our part or at least try.

*Bonus Read: ‘Here’s to the Crazy Ones’ – I want to change the world.

What are your favorite twitter #hashtags?