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Let’s meetup in Washington, DC to discuss Entrepreneurship & Startups

Capital Building
flickr photo by: deerhake.11

I’ll be in Washington, DC next week attending an event on the Hill and reached out to some friends to host a meetup on entrepreneurship & startups. If you’re in the area it would be great to connect. Details are below.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012 from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM (ET)

Affinity Lab
920 U Street NW
Washington, DC 20001


Join DiversiTech and its supporters as we take a take a stroll on the journey of entrepreneurship. A unique program, the panel will highlight myths, experiences, possibilities and approaches to startup success.
See below for just a few questions the panel will tackle during the energized program:
To accelerate or not to accelerate?
If content is King, then branding must be Queen B?
Ditch the pitch and crowd fund to millions?

Kimberly Bryant, Founder of Black Girls Code

Hajj Flemings, Digital Brand Strategist/Co-Founder of Gokit

Wayne Sutton, CEO, Advisor


6:00 pm – Registration & Networking

6:45 pm – Welcome & Quick Fire Introductions by Attendees
(Give your 30 second plug … GO!)

7:00 pm – Moderated Panel Dialogue
7:30 pm – Q&A
7:50 pm – Closing Comments
7: 55 pm – Networking
8:30 pm – Exit

A big thanks to Christine Celise, DiversiTech, Founder (@christinecelise) & her team for organizing the event.

Hope to see you there.