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5 Silly Twitter Trends You Should Refuse To Tweet About

The internet is being a dummy. 🙁Thu Sep 23 22:47:06 via twidroid

It’s Friday and you know what that means! #followfriday on Twitter. The goal of #followfriday is to tweet a suggested person to follow and say why should others follow them. I usually don’t participate in #followfriday but for the past few weeks I’ve been writing a #followfriday blog post. Today there’s no #followfriday blog post but more of a rant of five twitter trends I’ve seen on Twitter this week. Maybe I’m getting old or just tired of the same old jokes or what used to be funny or cool on Twitter to do back in 2007 but some of it is just terrible. Regardless it seems to go to Twitter, to blogs, back to twitter and a big waste of time. Heck I’m even waisting time writing this blog post about the trends. Anyway, here are five silly Twitter trends you should refuse to tweet about. Well, I refuse to tweet about.

#1 – Facebook is Down

Ok, unless you’re doing a presentation about Facebook or your Facebook like buttons are causing your site not to load, just be patient, your farm is not lost.

#2 – #newtwitter

Still slowly and randomly expanding rollout of #newtwitter. For the majority of you still waiting, here’s a good read Sep 23 17:43:06 via web

Ok, you see the tweet above? So wait for it. You don’t get a badge for having the #newtwitter, it doesn’t mean you’re an influencer because you have the #newtwitter and it doesn’t affect your ROI if you have the #newtwitter.

#3 #angelgate

If you’re not on @plancast you missed a lol today. #angelgateWed Sep 22 23:58:40 via Tweetie for Mac

Ok, so I did post one tweet about #angelgate but for now it seems like a big traffic spike opportunity for Techcrunch and Arringtion shaking up the VC space in the Valley. There may or may not be a lot more to it but until I read about fist flying or official lawsuits, just sit back and read the blog post. Hold off on the tweets.

#4 The rumored Facebook phone

Facebook may be building a cell phone. It’s good except you can only use it to call people you barely remember from high school. #FallonMonoMon Sep 20 23:16:13 via web

Do we really need to see thousands of tweets about a phone that may or may not even exist? Better yet, won’t be available for months or years if it does exist? A Facebook phone? Please let me know who’s going to ditch their iPhone or Droid or EVO for a Facebook Phone. Really? Is this even news or a joke?

#5 Bishop Eddie Long

Hello everybody! Please hide your kids, hide your son, hide your husbands because bishop Eddie Long is on th loose!!!Fri Sep 24 11:25:07 via Twitter for BlackBerry®

This is not a silly thing but a serious thing. I refuse to tweet about it. It’s not even funny! I know everybody has their own opinion and everyone is quick to judge both sides. Remember this, nobody is perfect and be careful what you tweet. I’ve said this over and over again, one day your tweets may land you in big trouble. Read this: Should one joke tweet ruin a man’s life?

Now let’s get back to work.