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Presentation: Building a personal brand with social media 101 & AMA West Coast videos

Online Registration by Cvent | Invitation - Triangle AMA’s August luncheon: ‘Building Your Personal Brand Through Social Media’

A few weeks ago I had the privilege to speak at the Triangle Chapter of the American Marketing Association luncheon with with Jim Tobin and Chuck Hester on Building Your Personal Brand Through Social Media. I only had about 5 minutes for an intro conversation on the topic before we went into a panel discussion and Q&A. Below are my keynote slides and notes.

A few points I tried to emphasize in a limited time were.

  • Everyone has an online Identity
  • It’s up to You (the individual) to manage your identity
  • You have to create and control content about yourself.
  • Design Matters
  • Be consistent with your social networking avatars (smile)
  • Use social media tools and measure your personal brand as if it was a campaign.
  • Do Something Awesome to get noticed.

Ironically my West Coast pal Louis Gray was on  panel with Loic, Guy Kawasaki, Steve Patrizi of LinkedIn and Renee Blodgett of Magic Sauce Media, for the San Francisco American Marketing Association, discussing  why PR, Advertising & Marketing Suck!, Now What?

Here are a few youtube videos from Louis’s panel:
$10K can make HUGE marketing impact: 3 steps #sfama: Louis Gray

“Truth in Marketing” – Louis Gray: Who would have thought those 3 words together?

What if your customers are not on Twitter?

I want to say thanks to the Triangle Chapter of the American Marketing Association for asking me to present at the luncheon.