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7 ways Kanye West uses his new social media power one year later after the MTV Video Music Awards infamous imma let you finish moment

YouTube - Kanye West - POWER

Almost exactly one year ago today Kanye West went from one of the most admired hiphop artist and somewhat well liked to one of the most hated music artist of all time in one 15 second mistake. Mr. West drunk or not, caught up in the moment or not, influence by a Amber Rose or not, taking up for his little sister Beyonce or not will forever be linked to the MTV Awards and Taylor Swift. His “imma let you finish” became an instant internet meme and affected Kanye’s music sales, plans for a clothing line and future concert tours. Right after Kanye West made the mistake of interrupting Taylor Swift I wrote blog post titled MTV’s biggest dot: Could you fix Kanye West’s personal brand problem? were I list 7 suggestions.

2009 MTV VMA Tweet Tracker |

Now we’re hours away from the one year anniversary of Kanye’s mistake at the MTV Video Music Awards in 2009 and Kanye is schedule to preform this year during the 2010 awards. Some have said they’re tired of Kanye West and just want to move on but with Kanye’s recent use of “social media” from Twitter, Ustream and even on website I believe we’re going to see a lot more of Kanye in the next few days. Let’s take a look at how Kanye West uses social media, along with other offline events to “almost” restore his brand.

1. Kanye West preforms at Facebook HQ

2. Kanye West joins Twitter and share his life after the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards and apologize to Taylor Swift. See a more detailed blog about Kanye’s tweets here via Techcrunch.

I’m sorry Taylor.Sat Sep 04 14:38:49 via web

3. Kanye gives away free music via his website but you must enter your email address to download. (email marketing). He tweets the new song every Friday.

GOOD Fridays « kanYe West : Blog

4. Kanye launches Ustream.TV channel ( and talks with fans about his upcoming album.

5. The Kanye West blog:
A few weeks ago Kanye was using his blog to list free music and show fan made videos. Now it’s under construction. I’m thinking we’ll see a new Kanye West blog launched tonight or tomorrow after the MTV Video Music awards.

6. Kanye West Power song used for the theme music of the Facebook Movie trailer called the Social Network.

7. Kanye West releases still motion Power video on Youtube and now has over 9,901,604 views.


  • Are you excited about the return of Kanye West to the MTV Video Music awards?
  • Do you think we’ll see Kanye and Taylor Swift preform a song tonight at the MTV Video Music Awards?
  • How would you like to see Kanye West and other music artist use social media?