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Is this the future of magazine publishing? Web Designer iPad app subscription model & store.

Someone recently told me that magazines are doing well despite the overall print industry going down profit wise. I’m not sure about that but as more touchscreen and mobile devices are being created magazines are launching apps / magazine book stores as a way to be profitable digitally. For example Web Designer magazine has launched a “book store” like app for the iPad.

The app looks very similar to the iBooks app and comes with the current month of the magazine for free. You have the option to buy magazines by the month or a 6 or 12 month subscription.

The app looks great and still have the magazine style to it but is somewhat slow when trying to flip pages. But that could be that I’m still getting used to it.

Do you think this is the future of print monetization? Should other print publications follow this model?

*Disclaimer: this is not a sponsored post.

— Post From My iPad

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