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Screenshots: Holler iPhone App launches to help you connect with people around you for in person activities

I first learned about Holler during SXSW 2011 when founder Nick O’Neill showed me a few screenshots and talked about his vision to help connect people offline with the app. At the time little was posted outside of the Holler landing page but I still wanted to blog about holler as from what I saw I got the feeling the app could be a winner.

As time passed I wondered what was the status of Holler then I ran into Nick at the Google Ventures BBQ in Mountain View, CA. Nick gave me a status update, told me how he started over, learned iPhone iOS development and would be launching soon. Well, that day has come as Holler is now available in the iTunes app store and will be officially launching at Techcrunch Disrupt next week. Here are a few screenshots of Holler.

holler iPhone app screenshot holler iPhone app screenshot

holler iPhone app screenshot holler iPhone app screenshot
holler iPhone app screenshot holler iPhone app screenshot

So… what does Holler do? Here’s the description from iTunes app store:

Holler is the easiest way to connect with the people around you for in person activities. While you can instantly connect with your existing friends, you can also meet new ones with shared interests.

Holler is totally free and works on the iPhone and the web.

Holler is perfect for:
– Connecting with other students on college campuses
– Meeting up with friends after work or school
– Discovering nearby activities with people who have shared interests
– Organize a volunteer activity
– A great excuse to say “HOLLER!”

Whether it’s meeting up for a pick up game of soccer, football, basketball (anything …), or finding someone to share a ride to work with, Holler makes it insanely easy to connect with others in the community, no matter where you are.

Yesterday, AllThinksD covered Holler in a post called: AllFacebook Founder Launches Holler to Help People Connect Offline

If you have downloaded Holler, let me know what you think about the app and concept in the commnets.