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Email marketing booming in the recession, Bronto’s CEO talks startups, marketing but thinking twitter with Tweetica

Blackwell St & N Svc Rd W, Durham, NC 27701, United States

Yesterday Bronto, an email marketing service provider based in Durham, NC held an open house to invite the community to view their new office space. I got word about the open house event via twitter from a few of their coworkers (@Covati @djwaldow ) and decided to attend. Immediately when you walk in to the new Bronto, you’ll notice a huge dinosaur which is their logo/mascot and bright painted walls.
Blackwell St & N Svc Rd W, Durham, NC 27701, United States

The space is awesome & I’m hoping to host a few meetups in the future there too. The event started at 5:00 p.m. and at 6:00 p.m. Bronto’s CEO Joe Colopy (@colopy on twitter) gave a brief presentation on the history of Bronto in which he talked about how he co-founded the company out of his house in 2002, the various office spaces and the how Bronto recently won the best customer service department award.

Blackwell St & N Svc Rd W, Durham, NC 27701, United States

After Joe’s presentation I had a chance to ask him 3 questions:

  1. Why does he think email marketing is so important, durning a time while companies are cutting marketing budgets.
  2. What is his #1 reason why someone should use Bronto.
  3. What advice would he give people looking to launch a start today.

Here’s the interview:

After the interview, Joe showed me a demo of his new twitter analytics and automation site called Tweetica. I was surprised that he was working on it but excited to see that a CEO with kids and a growing company has time to work on a new twitter app but I guess that what has made him so successful; always thinking ahead. Joe is thinking about the future of mobile and micro-messaging and how sites like twitter along with facebook status updates reminds him of email in it’s early stages and is looking to embrace those technologies with Bronto. Of course you can track the status of Tweetica on twitter as @Tweetica.

Tweetica / Analytics and Automation for Twitter

  • Are you working on a startup during the recession?
  • Does twitter remind you of the early stages of email?
  • Are you using email marketing more or less now and if so what company are you using?