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3 Ways to check-in to your favorite TV show or movie and how to earn the TRON badge

L.C. and Daisy Bates Watching Television
flickr photo by: Wisconsin Historical Images

As I stated in one of my previous blog post called I just checked into your blog, the act of checking in has created a new wave of applications to enable people to check into almost anything. You could always create fake locations in location-based applications and check into miscellaneous items. For example I recall one dinner at SXSW where people where checking into a woman’s bra and another situation where people were checking into a guys pants. That’s all fun for the moment and it was a somewhat ok thing to do when you’re at a conference with friends. But what if you could actually check into your favorite TV Show, movie, video, celebrity or product? Now you can with GetGlue, Miso and newly launched ScreenTribe.


GetGlue is a leading social network for entertainment, with more than 700,000 users and 10M new unique ratings and check-ins for TV shows, movies, music and books every month. Fans use GetGlue apps to check-in while consuming entertainment to share with friends and to earn exclusive rewards from our partners.

TV/Movie Check-in AppsTV/Movie Check-in Apps


Miso is a social platform that makes watching media content more fun. Miso was created by the team at Bazaar Labs, located in Pier 38, San Francisco, CA.

TV/Movie Check-in AppsTV/Movie Check-in Apps


ScreenTribe is an application that allows users to experience television and movies in a whole new way. It’s a social service for people who love media. With ScreenTribe, users can see what their friends are watching or share what they’re watching with friends. Every time someone shares what they’re watching, they earn points. The points can then be redeemed later for real life prizes like movie tickets or gift cards.

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TV/Movie Check-in AppsTV/Movie Check-in Apps

Each one of the apps allow you to check into your favorite movie or TV show but GetGlue focus extends beyond the screen experience allowing you to check into products and topics. Again, here’s another way to for brands in this case producers to connect with customers using mobile applications. As we have seen with the increase intereste with “social tv” these apps are leading the charge. A few examples are the HBO and GetGlue partnership where if you checked into True Blood, Hung, or Entourage you may receive a GetGlue sticker along with Miso’s Hot Tub Time Machine badge promotion. If you’re thinking no one would check into a TV show or movie take a look at Miso’ trending screenshot below where thousands of people where checking into to various TV shows and games such as Fringe, Glee and the Miami Heat vs Cleveland NBA game.

Miso numbers


I’m sure this weekend all three check-in apps will see a bump do to the new TRON movie. Although TriOut is not a TV/media check-in app we have created a special TRON badge. To collect the TRON badge just mention “TRON” in your check-in Tweet and it will be added to your TriOut awards profile.

Have used GetGlue, Miso or ScreenTribe to check into a TV show or movie before? Do you see the value of using mobile media check-in apps?