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BlogWorld Notes: Social Media Success Stories panel at @blogworld #bwe09

Social media success stories panel

Social Media Success Stories Panel:
Samantha Gammell (Oscar Mayer), Justin Levy (Caminito Argentinean Steakhouse), Brian Wiegand (, Frank Eliason (Comcast)
Panel url:


Brian Wiegand

Frank Eliason
Put the passionate people in
Care about your company and product but be passionate about your customers
Do try to be like others, but be yourself and be passionate about what you love
You can learn a lot about a brand by searching Twitter,
Companies don’t improve customer service on numbers but by the story of customers
Which social network works better, (comcast, Frank) Twitter, it depends on your customer base
Facebook is good for meeting people you know already.
Everything we do is about the community and finding a way to understand and help.

Samantha Gammell
Uses blog, twitter, and facebook fan page
People love content and interactions

Justin Levy
Instead of focusing on trying to be on the front page of google, they focused on using social media and saw an good increase in traffic and sales.

Using blogs from users to talk about the products vs just having employees blog about the company product.

Audience Questions:
Q. Why does being ranked on Technotri matter?
A. Some companies what to be cataorized as the thought leader and they measure that by how they are ranked on

Q. Trying to get your company to use twitter for customer service?
A. Start by tracking tweets, have person do more than twitter such as checking email, forums and blogs
A2. Have everyone involved not just one person

Q. How do you personalize the content posting from your brand using social media
A. Companies need to personalize the brand, people don’t care about logo but people
A. People want to know the people behind the company

Q. Advice to get people engaged and use a new social media community
A. You have to build a community around things that are interesting to the community
B. Once the community is establish, love the community, treat them well and engage with them

Q. What has social media done for the wienermobile
A. Allowed them to meet more people
B. Reach more people where the demand has been greater
C. Before you start using the tools make sure you’re real and have a true authentic voice

Q. Does it matter to being 1st in the space.
A. By being first you are looked as the though leader or first one to do something but it still comes back to how you use it.
B. You have a unique opportunity but never stop learning

Q. As a large company, how should they use social media
A. Every person in the company should not being using social media
A2. Companies should have an aproprerate social media policy
A3. Build a method where employees can manage interal communications
A4. Make sure you have the right employees using social media

Q. How have you changed the way you are using old “legacy” media (print, radio)
A. They don’t promote the profiles, they try to meet the customers where they already are.
B. Try to mashup both traditional media and new media in various creative ways

Q. What would be the one thing you would do better if you had to start over?
A. Hire better
B. Plan and make sure the entire company is behind social media
C. Wish they would have used tools in different ways first before others have