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BlogWorld Notes: Internet Marketing For Smart People Panel at @blogworld #bwe09

Internet Marketing For Smart People

Darren Rowse, Brian Clark, Chris Brogan

Story behind #Tribe3

Is email marketing dead?
No, email marketing drives traffic on days
Is a great connecting point
Is good for connecting the brand
Don’t abuse your email newsletter
It’s not cool to add me to your email newsletter if you receive an email from me.

Blogs going from your blog to “our” blog
Be a match maker and set your blog readers where they can interact with each other as much as possible
Being a part of a community is a privalge
The one sell marketing is the kiss of death
It’s all internet marketing even if you call it, content marketing, social media marketing, blog marketing
You have to have relationships with other people in your market
Sometimes having a big blog is a like a battleship
Sometimes smaller blogs having a smaller tighter community is better

What is it do you have a sell and how to find out what to sell?
Listen to your community and see what they want
Provide different type of content to sell
Ask your community before you start selling
Don’t ask for anything, then ask once
Don’t be afraid of selling (baby got to eat)
Wrong: selling is trying to get people to buy something they don’t want
Our entire economy

Audience Question:
Q. Thoughts on Google sidewiki
A. I think it’s stupid

Q. Thoughts on the FTC ruling
A. It’s OK, there are no difference between beginners and professionals selling products
B. Honesty is a great selling point
C. Don’t believe the hype

Q. How do you determine a price to sell.
A. Never ask your audience what they should pay
B. Look around for similar products
C. Check your competition

Q. How do approach and schedule your content
A. You schedule content if you don’t have time
B. Rhythm, find yours and stick
C. Create an agenda and deliver value with your content
D. Social media is great for creating something out of nothing
E. Try to get your reader to transit from a reader to a customer

Q. Discussion between social media marketing / internet marketing / marketing/ PR
A. Add social media to your existing marketing
B. Media is marketing
C. Become a media outlet

Q. How is important is video in the future conversations
A. Video takes work
B. Use videos to help build relationships
C. Video shows your personality

Announcement: 3Tribe
Inside the 3Tribe new product
Copy Blogger Email Newsletter: Internet Marketing For Smart People
Education is the best selling tool.