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Blackbird Pie: Twitter’s new embedded tweet tool. Making it easy to embed your tweets with style via @twittermedia

Twitter has been a on a roll since SXSW announcing @Anywhere, then hosting their first conference Chrip. Today’ Twitter/ @twittermedia released a new tool called “Blackbird Pie”. What’s the purpose behind Blackbird Pie? Accouding to the @twittermedia blog,  Tweets are the new quotes. and after listening to the community they wanted an easier way for users to embed Tweets.

Via Twitter’s Fresh-baked tweets for your posts blog post:

The origin of the script is both self- and user-centered. Mostly, we just think it’s a pain to take screen grabs of tweets. But of course we also think it’s a much better user experience to have @-mentions, hashtags and the account itself all linked and clickable.

So how does Blackbird Pie work? To give it a try just go to: , then enter the url of a tweet, for example, url then Blackbird will “bake” some code for you to embed on your website or blog post, in Twitter words.  Here’s the output of the tweet using BlackBird Pie.

About to add a few more locations to @TriOut. 🙂less than a minute ago via Tweetie

Blackbird Pie in action.

What are your thoughts on Blackbird Pie? Will you use it? Do you like the name?