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4 new ways to integrate Twitter with your WordPress blog to increase vistor engagement

As many of you know tweeting a blog article or sharing a blog article among social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, friendfeed and GoogleBuzz are a great way to reach new visitors. But what if you want your readers to share a post without leaving your blog or just tweet a blog article and keep reading your other post. If so you may want to try a few of the options below. Here’s 4 new ways to integrate Twitter with your WordPress blog to increase vistor engagement.

1. Like it? Tweet it! plugin
Like it? Tweet it!

“Like it? Tweet it!” is a jQuery-powered JavaScript widget that enables visitors to your website or blog to write a tweet about the site directly in a box displayed in the corner of the website, with a link to the site already embedded in the input field.

2.BackTweets Plugin: Display the best tweets that link to your posts (ok, not that new)
BackTweets Plugin for WordPress — BackType

3. Blackbird Pie: Create a generate static HTML of tweets for your posts
Blackbird Pie – Twitter Media

4. Add Twitter Anywhere
Welcome to @Anywhere |

Embed a Tweet Box on your site and help your users share what matters to them.

Happy blogging and tweeting!