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#babysutton is born and renamed as Micah David Sutton

I’m proud to announce that yesterday LaToya Sutton gave birth to a handsome 7lb 12oz baby boy. His name is Micah David Sutton. No more will I be referencing my new son as #babysutton on twitter as his Twitter user name is @micahdsutton.

I’m really excited about the birth of our new son and the next chapter of our lives now as parents. LaToya and I a truly grateful to all of our family members, friends and online colleagues who have been supportive to us over the years. Your continued friendship and support will be needed as we’re both new to raising a child. With that being said, if you have any advice or tips please let me know in the comments.

You can see pictures, birth information and more on Micah’s new website at Website screenshot:

micah d sutton

Have a great weekend and stay tune as I will be making a few more announcements in the upcoming weeks.