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The social media report of #28daysofdiversity – blogs, press, hashtags & new series

Sunday ended the 28 Days of Diversity Project, where I featured someone new everyday for the month of February for just being awesome in their own right. The list included some of the leaders in the social web space from startups, bloggers, conference organizers, IT professionals and friends not ranked in any particular order. Over the course of the month long project I monitored the social web for blog post, tweets and was even interviewed a few times about the project. I want to say thanks for the support to everyone who help share the project. Take a look at the one month social media report from the 28 Days of Diversity project below searching the web for “28 days of Diversity” and the hashtag #28daysofdiversity.

Articles Trending Map (PDF link)
filtrbox : dashboard
The highest mention day was February 5, 2010

Source Analysis: (PDF link)
filtrbox : dashboard
For “28 days of Diversity” – 94 blogs mentions and 46 social mentions
For #28daysofdiversity – 114 Blog mentions, 696 social mentions and 246 comments.

Week 4: TweetReach
TweetReach: Results for 28daysofdiversity

Week 3: TweetReach
TweetReach: Results for #28daysofdiversity
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Week 2: TweetReach
TweetReach: Results for #28daysofdiversity
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Week 1: TweetReach
TweetReach: Results for #28daysofdiversity

Interviews & Press
Technorati: #28DaysofDiversity with Wayne Sutton
PR Week: Promoting diversity in Black History Month

Other 28 Days of Diversity Projects launched:
28 Days of Diversity in Design
28 days of black nonprofit leaders

Links to 28 Days of Diversity or about Diversity in February.

If you missed the series you can see all of the 28 here at:
28 Days of Diversity

Also a special thanks to Angela Benton from BlackWeb 2.0 for cross posting the series and everyone who retweeted the post. As for what’s next? There’s been talk about a 365 Days of Diversity and more.

What would you like to see next?