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#28DaysofDiversity: People of color impacting the social web. Day 28 @jeffreylbowman of @OgilvyWW

As we all know, February is Black History Month. It’s a month where we honor those who have made an impact on American culture for equal rights, those who have invented, those who have a helped others and those who have inspired everyone to be the best they can be, not only as a person of color but as a human.

As someone in the technology/web/social space, I often travel and attend various events in the industry and notice a huge lack of diversity, and when it comes to getting attention from mainstream media/tech blogs it’s almost impossible. That’s why I’m starting 28 Days of Diversity on The goal of 28 Days of Diversity is to feature someone new everyday for the month of February for just being awesome in their own right. The list will include some of leaders in the social web space, startups, bloggers, conference organizers, IT professionals and friends not ranked in any particular order. Each post will include a picture, bio, two links from the selected person and this paragraph. So for the next 28 days, come back to visit to see who’s on the list. For day 28, I would like to introduce to some and present to others: Jeffrey Bowman


Twitter: @jeffreylbowman

Jeffrey Bowman is a Partner within OgilvyConsulting at OgilvyOne. Considered by some a leading multi-channel strategy expert, he is responsible for dissecting client’s business problems, developing 360 degree integrated communication channel plans, building customer and influencer relationship marketing programs, and developing demand generation programs across digital and traditional marketing channels. He is charged with connecting the creative with the brand’s business objective. He provides client services across technology, retail and consumer packaged goods verticals.

It was around 1999 when Jeffrey was peaking in his brand management career after experiences at Pepsi, P&G and the Miller Brewing Company (now SAB Miller). There TV, Radio, Print and Out-of-Home were the dominant communication channels and on-line was less than 1% of most Brand’s total advertising spend. He often wondered why Brands were not jumping into on-line channels. He made the decision to “go direct” at Dell where demand generation and marketing optimization were king across, call center, broadcast, catalog, e-circ, on-line display, search, affiliate, email, direct mail and radio channels for desktop, laptop and home entertainment verticals. There he led annual business planning, channel integration, dashboard reporting and budget planning & optimization. At Dell he was responsible for the Intel and Microsoft co-op relationships for the consumer group. After Dell he was complete and armed as a “true” multi-channel strategist with not only understanding how to drive business results but also the “know how” of building relationships within the digital and traditional communication channels.

Some ask what does he know about social media. His response would be “have you heard of the Conversation Prism by Brian Solis & JESS3? Conversation channels continue to emerge and expand today. These are the platforms where brands are being developed, built or destroyed. It is his job to make sure his clients comprehend what’s not only being said about their brands but make sure they understand their value proposition and how they are positioned across all relevant channels of communication whether in the form of digital, analog, text or video. His belief is to not necessarily start with the channels in building a brand but instead, start with listening, developing or refining the brand’s value proposition, plan the business, develop the brand’s messaging, activate and engage. His desire is to have his clients provide something unique to say or offer and build life-long relationships with customers and consumers. Jeffrey once again finds himself at an intersection where channels of communication are converging.

Before crossing over to the Ogilvy Red side, Jeffrey spent 15 years on the client side in marketing building brands within Pepsi, P&G, SAB Miller, Whirlpool, Dell and Sears. It is his passion and love for all things tech and digital that keeps him in tune with trends and tools used for communicating. He is active in the tech community and passionate about Blacks, Asians and Latinos In Technology. He holds a BS and MBA in Marketing.

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