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19 Recent Diversity and Inclusion in Tech Articles Everyone Should Read


In 2014 the diversity and inclusion conversation in tech reached an all time high and as we kick off 2015 the topic doesn’t seem to be losing any steam; which is great as a lot of change is needed. Below are some of the more recent articles about diversity in tech that I believe everyone should read. The articles range from women in tech, sexism, under represented minorities in tech, the wealth and access gap, to defining what diversity actually means. If I missed any recent articles, let me know in the comments.

What Diversity Actually Means

Does Your Team Reflect “The Dream”?

Prioritizing Diversity In 2015

When meritocracy hits the networking wall….”Welcome To The Club. Not!”

I’m So Sick and Tired of Men Marginalizing Women in Tech

Female Founders Fare Much Better In 2014

Unwritten Diversity Code for Blacks and females in Technology

Latina Talent is Key to the Future of the U.S. Technology Workforce

What Silicon Valley Thinks of Women

Semil Shah on How Can Underrepresented Minorities In Tech (URM) Can Build Bridges With Investors


What (Some) Silicon Valley Women Think Of Newsweek

How Was 2014 for Women in Tech?

It’s time for Asian American men to stop being the “Model Minority” in tech.

Why black leaders matter in technology

East of Palo Alto’s Eden: Race and The Formation of Silicon Valley

Tech’s High Barrier to Entry for the Underprivileged

Here’s What It’s Like to Be a Person of Color in Technology

Why is gender diversity in tech so much easier to solve than racial diversity?