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Where Investors Go To Learn – Smart$Money Executive Program in Silicon Valley Kicks Off Next Week

Next week kicks off the StartupMonthly‘s Smart$Money Executive Program in Silicon Valley November 12-15. The StartupMonthly Smart$Money Executive program informs, inspires, educates, and prepares business angels and venture capitalists for their future investments in IT startups. During the program, investors will share and learn about angel and VC investments, deal-structure, market trends, and the Silicon Valley ecosystem. Along with connecting to leading investors in Silicon Valley and visiting successful startups and companies such as Microsoft, Facebook, and Google. Also visiting accelerator programs such as 500 Startups.

I’m currently participating in Astia Angel Investor training and will be on the Angels Best Practices panel moderator by my good friend Robert Scoble on Tuesday during the Smart$Money Executive Program. Other panelist include Jeff Pulver, Zohar Levkovitz, Bill Reichart, Neal Strickberger, and Prashant Shah.

StartupMonthly’s Smart$Money Executive Program is organized by Pemo Theodore @pemo Media Producer, startup coach & founder EZebis: Winning the Venture Game!

The event overall has a rock star VC/investor line up including Steve Blank, Vivek Wadhwa, Cathy Lego , Chris Yeh and more. Take a look