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What makes a successful twitter iPhone app? A tweetie screencast video review. My 5th most asked question: What twitter app do I use on my iPhone?

If you’ve visit my F.A.Q section then yes I skipped #3 or #4 but I’ll get to those later but #3 will be how I got so many twitter followers and #4 will be who created my twitter background and the history of twitter backgrounds. Keeping with the twitter theme here my 5th most asked question is “what twitter iPhone app do I use on my iPhone.

Before tweetie was released I was using the iPhone web app Hahlo mainly because the amount of people I’m following on twitter and the other iPhone applications were hanging on loading my twitter public stream and my replies. Then a few weeks ago my good friend @Ocell told me about tweetie and I’ve been using it ever since. Tweetie is made be atebites and can be downloaded from the iTunes here [app link] Here’s a screencast demo of tweetie.

A few other notes about successful twitter iPhone apps:

Remember to keep it simple and clean – one of the reasons why twitter works is that it’s simple.

  • Separate the replies from the direct messages and public tweets. I love twitterrific but this is one of the biggest complaints I hear about the app.
  • Make the app have some PEE, that’s stands for Popularity EnhancEr. – One trend about successful iPhone apps is that it either shoots, farts or is a flashlight and tweetie does two out of the three


  • Monetize it. – tweetie cost $2.99 and just look at what tweetdeck a popular desktop twitter air app has just received VC funding.

What is your favorite iPhone twitter app and what desktop twitter app do you use?