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Video: Mitch Kapor on the value of the NewMe Accelerator and what Kapor Capital looks for in startups

Originally posted on Blackweb 2.0

Mitch Kapor mentoring NewMe Accelerator Startups

The NewMe Accelerator just completed it’s first full week of working with amazing mentors and speakers from the Silicon Valley. Closing out the week NewMe startups had a chance sit down for one on one sessions with well known Venture Capitalist Mitch Kapor @mkapor of Kapor Capital. Before the sessions begin Mitch talked to the NewMe Accelerator startups first class on how he learned about the accelerator, why the NewMe Accelerator is important to have in the Silicon Valley and what Kapor Capital looks for in startups when considering investing. Take a look at the video and notes below.

Why the NewMe Accelerator is important for the Silicon Valley?

“Access is inequitable, not everybody has a shot”
“Not everybody has a shot, give them the support they need to compete on a level playing flied, then they’ll do really well. “
“There’s no question that there’s a dramatic under representation of people of color in the Silicon Valley echo system.”

What are the areas that Kapor Capital look for in startups as an angle investment firm?
  • The founding team… people first before ideas.
  • mobile web/mobile apps
  • High social impact startups
  • Startups that practice the lean startup method

The NewMe Accelerator is supported by generous sponsors, speakers, and mentors. Sponsors include: Interactive One, Google, Tagged, Gunderson Dettmer, Syncom Ventures, PepsiCo, Kapor Capital, Bronze Investments,, and e3 Innovation Fund.