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Twitter List: 5 tools & 5 must read Twitter list blog post and resources

 Wayne Sutton (waynesutton) on Twitter-2

Twitter list have been out for a while and regardless if you’re a fan of the feature or not they have their purpose. A few weeks ago I asked on Twitter if I should write a blog post about Twitter List because it seemed that the entire blogosphere had written post about it. The response was “sure” because a few people wanted to here my two cents about Twitter List. So my two cents is that Twitter list adds value to Twitter the platform and is useful to filter Tweets and content/people by subject matter/conversations. What I don’t like about Twitter List is how people are using the number count to judge your “influenced” or rankings by the amount of list you are in. But that is a part of Twitter’s friends/followers numbers game that works with its brand and we just have to live with it.

Now that the dust have settled a little on Twitter list, a few tools/sites have been created to make Twitter list more valuable to your brand outside of just to see how many list you can be listed in.

Twitter Lists To RSS
Twitter Lists 2 RSS

A Twitter List Powered Fan Page – Tutorialzine
A Twitter List Powered Fan Page - A conversationlist is your attention transformed into a tweetstream.
a conversational approach to Twitter lists

Google Alerts for Twitter Lists -
Google Alerts meets Twitter Lists

Listorious: Discover the Best Twitter Lists
Listorious makes it easy to find the best lists of Twitter users on any given topic, and for list creator to publicize their lists.

If you’re still trying to get the hang of Twitter List or looking for more tactical information here are 5 Twitter List post I suggest you to read.

  1. Twitter Lists for SEO How to
  3. 10 Ways You Can Use Twitter Lists
  4. 10 Twitter Lists Questions and Answers
  5. 5 Reasons to Use the New Twitter List Feature

Update:Another Twitter List blog post to read is.
How brands can use Twitter lists

After reading those post and you still are looking for more information, here’s my Twitter List group of blog post that I have bookmarked using Diigo

How are you using Twitter List?