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TriOut and Golden Corral “Cary” @GC_Cary launch check-in special and leadeboard contest

We’re excited to announce two new location-based promotions with Golden Corral (@gc_cary).  The first is 50% off your meal at the Golden Corral Cary location by checking in with TriOut for the 1st 100 check-ins starting June 1, 2010.

Check-in Special, how it works:

  • Arrive at Golden Corral Cary
  • Check-in on TriOut
  • You’ll see a special 50% off badge
  • Show the badge at the register (non-iphone users just show the check-in)
  • Your meal will be half-off
  • Limited to the first 100 check-ins

Leaderboard Contest:
The second is the TriOut check-in leaderboard contest.  Starting Monday, May 31st, the top 5 TriOut users for the week will receive a Golden Corral gift card for two free meals at the Golden Corral Cary location. This leaderboard contest will run for two weeks and you can only win only once, meaning for the week of May 31 – June 6 the top five TriOut users will win a Golden Corral gift card and for the week of June 7 – 13 another five TriOut users will win.

The Leaderboard is based on our check-in points systems and you can earn extra points for checking in at locations with specials. You can see all of the locations with specials here: For more information about the TriOut points system read: TriOut Points System.
You earn more points the following ways:

  • 5 points for each check-in per location, per day.
  • 3 points for each photo.
  • 3 points for each review.
  • 10 points for checking into an event.
  • 10 points for checking into a location with a special.

We’re excited to be working with Golden Corral Cary and hope everyone will have the opportunity to take advantage of  their location promotion. Note, you can check-in with TriOut by using the iPhone app or from any smart phone at .

Location where the check-ins count:
Golden Corral
5707 Dillard Dr.
Cary, NC, 27518
Phone: 919.816.0352
Twitter: @GC_Cary

Good luck to everyone and thanks for using TriOut. We’re working with other local businesses to provide more sponsored leaderboard contests in the future. If you’re interested in sponsoring a TriOut leaderboard contest please email wayne at TriOutNC dot com or call 919-200-0933.