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Thumbs up? Today We Need Your Votes!

This is strictly a 2010 SXSW panel pimping and shameless plugs for votes blog post. You can stop reading now and just click on the button below or go here to vote. What are you voting for? I’m glad you asked. You’re voting on my panel that I submitted for SXSW 2010. The topic is “Becoming a Real-Time Video Blogger in 2010” . Doesn’t it sound cool and on time with more people starting to use video?

If you have some ideas of who you think I should include as additional panelist, leave a comment on the SXSW voting page:

Wait, you’re still reading this? Click on the button below and I hope you vote “Thumbs Up“.

Vote for my PanelPicker Idea!

FaceFriend: TheSocialGeeks Are Preparing And So Should You |
Oh, while I’m at it, The Social Geeks is up for a SXSW panel panel too. Here’s the link and I’m sure by now you know what to do. The topic of the Social Geeks panel is Filtering and Controlling the Flow of Inbound Information.

One more thing, here’s a list of panels submitted by North Carolina people for the SXSW Interactive Conference in Austin, TX in March 2010. I’m sure by now you know what to do. Thumbs up and vote!

Democratization of Event Planning through Social Media

Jason Keath (@sofresh), Brian Simpson (@RShotel), Jack Mardack (@eventbrite), Jennifer Van Grove (@jbruin of Mashable)

Become Immortal, Understanding the Digital Afterlife

John Romano and Evan Carroll (The Digital Beyond)

South by March Madness: Designing for .EDU

Evan Carroll (Capstrat) and Jackson Fox (Viget Labs)

Becoming a Real-Time Video Blogger in 2010

Wayne Sutton (WayneSutton.TV)

Will the Real Social Media Team Please Stand Up?

Ryan Boyles (IBM, Adam’s excellent presentation) I am the NC guy on a panel with AdamTiffany and Kapil

Generating B2B Leads Through Social Media: What’s Next?

Kipp Bodnar (Howard, Merrell & Partners/ ) and Jeff Cohen (OurHashtag)

Jack Bauer’s Guide to Managing Online Communities (Unofficial)

Patrick O’Keefe (iFroggy Network)

Film Blogs as Contagious Cinephilia: Amateur Criticism and Movie Culture

Chuck Tryon (author of Reinventing Cinema (Rutgers University Press, 2009) and The Chutry Experiment)

Too Much Text IV: A NEW HOPE

Jay Cuthrell (Managing Principal at and reluctant periodic updater at

This shameless plug post has been sponsored by Wayne Sutton, your friendly neighborhood geek. Thank you and now back to your regularly scheduled content.

Have a great Labor Day Weekend!