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This Week in Location: SCVNGR says they will win, Foursquare helps you become the mayor, Foodspotting $ & more

Location-Based Apps Names

Looking back at the last seven days there was no where near the amount of location-based news as there was last week due to Facebook Places announcement but there still was plenty of buzz floating around the location industry. One location-based service this week did stand out over the rest, even the blog/media giant Foursquare and that service was SCVNGR. From the Techcruch post about their secret game mechanics playdeck to their new AT&T partnership. SCVNGR is one LBS to keep an eye on. Not to be left out of the spotlight this week Foursquare updates their Mayor algorithmic and Foursquare founder @Dens was misquoted saying Facebook Places is boring. Yelp also made a little news this week by announcing their group deals as they try to keep up with not only the other location-based services but Groupon too.

Another location-based service called Foodspotting received funding this week and TriOut continues pound away with version two of their much anticipated iPhone app with another video sneak peek.  Also this week we saw two location twitter hashtag community chats launched. One called #GEOChat and the other @LBSChat.  GeoChat is held on Tuesday’s at 2:00 P.M. and #LBSChat on Thursdays’ at 9:00 P.M.  Here are 52 location-based articles and videos you may have missed from last week.

Seth Priebatsch runs SCVNGR,

TriOut version two beta video uploading features

Really!?! with Mike and Eric: Facebook Places

Location Based Real Time Stalking w/ FourSquare, GoWalla, HTML5 vs Flash CageMatch (Warning profanity used)


Facebook Places: Google-backed SCVNGR Says It Will Win

SCVNGR’s Secret Game Mechanics Playdeck

AT&T Teams With Location-Based Game SCVNGR To Help Launch Samsung Captivate

SCVNGR Launches Support For Facebook Places

Checking in While Driving? Zipcar Partners with SCVNGR


There is Toyota and there is BMW

Looking into the foursquare crystal ball: 10 things “coming soon” to foursquar

Foursquare building self-serve tool for brand profiles

Facebook Places ‘boring’ says Foursquare chief

How I Became A Cyber Stalker…On Foursquare…

People Magazine points you toward celebrity hot spots on foursquare

7 Awesome Foursquare infographics showing how users are collecting badges and checking in.

How beneficial is Foursquare for businesses and individuals?


5 recent check-in specials from local businesses using TriOut

TriOut v2 Dev Journal: Photo and Video Sharing

New 3rd Party Integration: TriOut

Other Location-Based Services and news

Foodspotting & Zagat Partner to Share Restaurant Photos and Guides

It’s Still Too Early to Value Location Services, Businesses Say

TIME’s 50 Best Websites 2010: Gowalla Picked over Foursquare?

Why Recommended Places Are the Next Big Thing in Location

Start Location-Based Conversations With Qilroy

Sneak Peak at Yelp Deals

Facebook Places: What are Facebook users saying about Places one week later

Amid LBS Storm, Booyah’s MyTown Hits 3.1M Users With 15M Checkins Per Week

Why Loyalty and Mobile Marketing is the Future for Retail

Location, Permission, and Receptivity

The Price Isn’t Always Right: How Courting Customer Loyalty Through Discounts Fails

Geo-location and Privacy: A Subtle Balance

Grindr – A Gay Location Based Service

the race to 1,000 rewards

Yelp Officially Testing Yelp Deals

The Booty Call Goes Mobile

Facebook Places: The McDowell’s of LBS

Location Based Real Time Stalking w/ FourSquare, GoWalla, HTML5 vs Flash CageMatch

Foodspotting Investors Put Their Money Where Their Mouths Are With $750K Seed Round

Why the future of mobile is hyper local

LBS for Close Friends and Family Only

Facebook Launched Places to Bore Me Silly

Exclusive interview with the AARP: How the 50+ crowd sees geolocation and social media

Why Location-Based Social Media Needs to Get “Passive” Aggressive

Two Types of Consumers Are Using Check-in Apps: Hyperactive and Hyperpassive

Beyond Foursquare: 5 Location-Based Apps for Your Small Business

What location-based services, brands and marketers need to know from 11 tweets of #GEOChat one

9 location-based infographics showing how and why the mobile world is checking in

Follow Friday: The Location Edition. 15 twitter users to follow who’s all about location

House Hunters Stickers from HGTV

Should Hollywood Begin Rewarding the Most Frequent Moviegoers?

Waze Review and $25 Gas Gift Card Giveaway!

GetGlue, Miso and Philo: Check-in apps for couch potatoes