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The Top Startup, Venture Capital and Entrepreneurship Articles This Past Week

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BUILDBox curates the best building resources for technology entrepreneurs, daily.

How Many VCs Should You Pitch for Series A£ by @NextViewVC
12 Small Business Tools for Smooth Sailing in 2015 by Alex Ivanovs
Prioritizing Diversity In 2015 via @TechCrunch by @joelle_emerson
How to Build Online Relationships into Meaningful Networks via @msuster
Why Your Company Needs Marketing Materials via Create Business Growth
What should you include in your monthly investment update£ via @jason
We Will Never Need Another Financing – @bfeld
101 inspirational quotes for designers via @designerdepot 5 Essential Steps for Developing a Winning Startup Idea
Richie Hecker: Thanks to the Sharing Economy, Everyone Is an Entrepreneur via @wsjstartup
Internet of Things via @a16z
Twitter and the Rise of ‘The Leader’
How to Load Bootstrap Faster in 5 Easy Steps | QOT
11 Simple Things I Did to Improve my Productivity via @davidspinks
It’s About Women Running Startups via @sgblank
BUILDUP Radio Episode 2 – Semil Shah on How Can Underrepresented Minorities In Tech (URM) Can Build Bridges With Investors
How ‘venture builders’ are changing the startup model via @VentureBeat |
Discuss the Ideal Exit with Investors by @davidcummings on Startups
The Official Definitions of Seed, Series A, and Series B Rounds by @jason
@BUILDUP #podcast w/ Semil Shah on How Can Underrepresented Minorities In Tech Can Build Bridges With Investors