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BUILDUP Radio Episode 2 – Semil Shah on How Can Underrepresented Minorities In Tech (URM) Can Build Bridges With Investors


As the conversation about Underrepresented Minorities In Tech (URM) continues to evolve from meritocracy, to work force numbers, to can you name more than five African-American tech founders in Silicon Valley/ San Francisco Bay Area some investors acknowledge they haven’t been pitched from a “URM” and some wonder what can they do to about it. One such investor is Semil Shah, Venture Advisor to Bullpen Capital and GGV Capital and direct investor with his fund called Haystack. Semil wrote about “minorities in tech, startups, and investing via his blog and since then curated a URM Twitter list and continues to share suggested solutions via his blog

For BUILDUP Radio Episode 2 we interviewed Semil Shah about his journey from Boston to Silicon Valley, Post Seed Conference and how can underrepresented minorities in tech (URM) can build bridges to connect with investors. Take a listen below.

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