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Is the iPad a job killer? Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. Blames The iPad For Killing Jobs

From: Real Clear Politics Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-IL), who admits to owning an iPad, blames the Apple Inc. product for “eliminating thousands of American jobs.”

iPad 2

“A few short weeks ago I came to the House floor after having purchased an iPad and said that I happened to believe, Mr. Speaker, that at some point in time this new device, which is now probably responsible for eliminating thousands of American jobs. Now Borders is closing stores because, why do you need to go to Borders anymore? Why do you need to go to Barnes & Noble? Buy an iPad and download your newspaper, download your book, download your magazine,” Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-IL, Chicago) said on the House floor Friday afternoon.

Ironically, it was only last month that Rep. Jackson was promoting the Apple iPad and Amazon on the House floor.


My thoughts:

Ok I try to avoid talking about politics but this one touches a nerve. First make sure you watch the video on Real Clear Politics website. I mean, I get what Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. is saying and If you really think about it, he’s part right. The iPad is made in China, and Borders is closing stores. But there’s a lot more other factors that come into play to why Borders is closing doors. Also note Borders has their own ebook (digital book) reader as well. So Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. you can’t blame the iPad.

Also as the publishing industry has been under “attack” from the decline in newspaper sales and more, changes must happen for the industry to continue. It’s called innovation and adoption. It’s what the New York Times is doing with their apps and why we have new apps like the Daily. Also not to mention how much money Apple has allowed for developers to make. If I’m a publisher or write or in the publishing industry I would have been thinking about mobile like… 4 years ago.

So while “I get” what Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr is saying, I believe it to be a very incorrect statement and a sign of how technology is progressing industries into new directions. Also it’s up to each individual to continue to learn and grow to stay current with today’s job / technology industry. It’s not easy but it’s life.

RealClearPolitics – Video – Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. Blames The iPad For Killing Jobs.