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Thank You!

This past Thursday, I had the opportunity to speak to a group of teenagers at SAS on social media and personal branding online. The kids were either in high school or college and taking part in the SAS summer internship program. I was invited by SAS’s social media manager and friend David B. Thomas (@DavidBThomas). David also spoke about how SAS uses social media and their social media policy.

Prior to the event David and I used @GoogleWave to collaborate on the agenda to make sure we provide value to the session. We really wanted to give the kids action items, along with showing examples of how they can use social media tools for career development / advancement.

As I prepared my presentation I didn’t want to give the general this is how to use social media media examples or case studies being the audience were kids and knowing how the session could go a few ways. It could be interactive and fun or boring or just blah. Therefore I decided to go with the somewhat fun / interesting approach and show a few opportunities I have been lucky enough to participate in that past few years due to what some would call my brand, social media/ online footprint which includes my blog here, @twitter accounts, @facebook and @linkedin profiles. Many you can see on the right sidebar.

While giving the presentation I looked at the eyes of some of the kids. Some where impressed, others were like just finish already and I think a few found it very interesting some of the places I’ve been and opportunities I’ve had because of my online presence. It also was a time of self reflection and a time of gratitude knowing that without any of my blog readers, @twitter followers, @facebook fans/likes or people who have shared any content I’ve published a lot of those opportunities may never happened. With that being said I want to say Thank you! Also a big thanks to SAS and David for for opportunity to speak.

To read a review about the SAS session see: My Summer at SAS: Social media essentials for students and new grads by @stacemiiister

Also read: The Two Most Important Words in Social Media by @JayDolan

Flickr Thank You photo by: bandita I’m not sure who is Marisa is but I thought it was a nice photo.

Have a great day!