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Talk Social News SXSW Winners 2009

Talk Social News (Kipp Bodnar @kbodnar32 and Wayne Sutton @waynesutton) is partnering with @Tweetaways to giveaway 7 prizes to listeners from Friday March 13th – Tuesday, March 17 during SXSW interactive. While at SXSW Kipp and Wayne will be broadcasting live from the PepsiCo Podcast Playground. The podcast times are Friday, March 13th at 11:00 A.M. and from Saturday March 14th to March 17th at 9:00 A.M. To win the prizes you’ll have to send a tweet to @TalkSocialNews with a special #hashtag. Each contest #hastag will be announced during the daily live podcast and tweeted from @TalkSocialNews . After the announcement you have until 7:00 p.m. to enter, then a tweet from @Tweetaways will tweet the winner. Each contest is open to everyone not just SXSW attendees.

The SXSW prizes consist of the following:

crocs blog

1. Crocs gift certificate via @georgegsmith, Social Media Specialist @Crocs, Inc.

Winners: and

Vans Shoes - Official Site
2. Vans gift certificate via @Vans_66, Vans/Online Communities Development/Marketing/Ruckusing.
Winners: and

Twitter / brightkite

3. Brightkite swag (1 T-shirts) -via @brightkite, the location-based social network
Winner: Global Landing Page
4. Sharpies swag via @sharpiesusan, Leading the charge on PRSM (public relations social media) at Sharpie
Winners: Various attendees at #SXSW who were

Twitter / tweetie

5. Tweetie iPhone apps coupons (4qty) via @tweetie, rockin’ Twitter client for iPhone and iPod touch
Winners: and

Twitter / tweetshirts

6. Tweetshirts (2 T-shirts) via @jazzychad, of @tweetgrid :
Winners: &

Twitter / kodakCB

7. Kodak Zi6 via @kodakcb, -Jennifer Cisney – Kodak’s Chief Blogger/Design Geek.

To all of our sponsors and winners thank you for supporting Talk Social News!

How to win in plain english:

1. Follow @TalkSocialNews and @Tweetaways on twitter
2. Listen to the daily SXSW podcast for the contest hashtag to use in your tweets on
3. Watch for the hashtag from @TalkSocialNews twitter account after the podcast
4. Send a tweet to @TalkSocialNews with the contest hashtag (you can enter multiple times and it must be a public tweet, no DMs)
5. Daily at 7:00 P.M. @Tweetaways will announce the winner.

About Tweetaways - an easy way to pick a random twitterer who tweets a specific phrase is an easy way to pick a random winner for your next twitter contest or giveaway. Tweetaways was dreamed up by, Rodney Blackwell @CircleR, after seeing a lot of contests being held on Twitter. Rodney always wondered how they were picking a random winner out of all of those tweets, and thought it would be cool if we could “see” the drawing happening. Watch the how it works tweetaways video here:

About Talk Social News

Talk Social News is a weekly podcast about news and innovations in social media. The show is hosted by Kipp Bodnar and Wayne Sutton, two geeks, who interview industry leaders and share their own opinions about the technology that is changing the way we all interact online and offline. @TalkSocialNews

Kipp Bodnar, co-host
Kipp Bodnar is Social Marketing Manager for a full service marketing agency in Raleigh, NC. He helps companies build communities and improve their communications through the use of social media. He is organizer, speaker, and participant in regional and national social media conferences and events.

Kipp blogs at and recently started a blog focused on social media’s impact on B2B companies at and is on Twitter as @kbodnar32

Wayne Sutton, co-host
Be it social media strategy, Web apps, blogs or new ways to use mobile technology as both a marketing and a sales tool, I make sure that my clients receive the most up-to-date information about best-practices and industry standards for digital/online communities. Speaking engagements, arranging meetups, producing conferences and events are extensions of my capabilities.

Wayne Sutton blogs at and recently relaunch a personal branding profile and is on Twitter as @waynesutton