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Please Stretch Me Thinner: I’m Almost Saying Yes to Everything

If you seen the post title before, it’s because you have. My friend and mentor, Louis Gray, wrote a post with the same title, and this is my version of it. And in the interest of full disclosure, I did let him know that I was “borrowing” his title. In his blog post Louis writes about his conference schedule and his current projects. Louis talks about his drive to keep up with everything, his speaking engagements and other projects he’s working on. The reason is how he pushes forward and gets more. And like, Louis I want more too.
From “Because I want more. Feed me more. At recent business events, there is a dramatic need for those I run into to get an extra push to get and grasp blogging, to understand what’s happening in social media, who’s winning and losing, and best practices. And right now, I don’t think my 5 minute answers are enough. I am starting to get inquiries from people to help them more formally, and yes, I will. I will also be signing up for more speaking opportunities, more panels, more podcasts, and more advisory roles if they think I can.”
So far in 2009, I’ve attended FOWA Miami, SXSW, 3 BarCamps, 1 Wordcamp, planned two large Triangle Tweetups, and attended smaller Tweetups, Social Media Club and Social Media Breakfast events in various locations. I’ve participated on panels at Chicks who Click, SXSW Interactive, Pubcon Austin, Triangle association of black journalists, Springstage, NC Comedy Arts Festival, all while cohosting a daily podcast and launching a new startup.  Just like Louis, I want more, and more is coming. Here are a few events I’ll be participating in over the next few weeks.
There are more big conferences I’m hoping to attend and participate in later this year, such as Blog World Expo, Web 2.0 NYC and a few twitter conferences. Also I’m currently planning a few large events here in the Triangle area of North Carolina, such as Ignite Raleigh. I am actively  seeking more opportunities to speak at conferences, but please consider travel expenses and speaking fees before contacting me. If interested you can email: info at socailwayne dot com or leave a voice message at 919-809-7328.
This post has been sponsored by #Shamelessplugs