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The really big news that Steve Jobs made at WWDC that no one is talking about

Yesterday, Steve Jobs graced the stage at WWDC 2010 to announce the iPhone 4, iOS and allowed Zynga to demo Farmville for the iPhone. Gadget, social media and Apple fanboy blogs live blogged and lusted over the new iPhone and and the upcoming features of iOS but here are a few quotes/notes that Steve Jobs made during WWDC that stand out to me that I don’t see to many bloggers talking about.

1. “Apple / iTunes has the over 150 million user accounts with credit cards enabled for one-click purchasing. Making it the largest store online.”
Why is this big? When you think about online stores you think about Amazon, ebay etc but with the success of iTunes and App store Apple tops them all. Apple may not sell other electrionics that are not compatible with their hardware but if you’re in the music or book industry or a developer why not have your product for sell in iTunes? There are over 150 million credit cards waiting to buy your product.

2. The A4 processor
First off every current iPhone user should be jumping for joy because the A4 processor is the savor of iPhone battery life. But now with the A4 processor being included in the iPhone 4 and the iPad when or if will we see the A4 processor in other Apple hardware such as the Apple TV? Everyone is waiting to see an Apple TV and Mac Mini upgrade and they could they be the first devices outside of the iPad and iPhones to include the A4? Well, you may not waiting on the Mac Min upgrade but you know what I mean.

3. Apple paid over $1 billion to iPhone developers so far!
Wow, was my first reaction when Steve Jobs showed the check on stage of $1 billion dollars. Now I see why developers get so upset when there app is rejected. I often tell people about why Apple has been so successful is that they make products that allows others to make money off of their products. Just look at the accessory business for the iPhone and the new line of bags/cases for the iPad. Now with iAd Apple is looking to help monetize their entire mobile platforms from iPhones, iPads and iPod touches. If Apple can help brands generate millions using iAD they will be cutting not only developers a huge check but brands as well.

I do have a question around HTML5 apps. If developers start to launch more web apps outside of Apple’s control how or if will Apple try to restrict access to those HTML5 apps that include ads not associated with Apple or iAd? I don’t think they can but if developers want to serve ads outside of iAd a HTML5 web app may be the way to go.

4. The next generation iPad is going to be awesome!
I could be wrong but I don’t remember reading anything about when iOS4 will be available for the iPad but regardless by looking at hardware specs of iPhone 4, the next generation iPad is going to be amazing. I currently own an iPad and the display i great, runs the A4 processor but I’m sure the next iPad will include a front faceing camera supporting Facetime, the Retina Display technology and the new new gyro sensor. If I wasn’t such an Apple fanboy I would have waited too but for those of you who have, the new iPad is going to be worth it.

Don’t’ get me wrong, I’m excited about the iPhone 4 so I can record videos, edit them in iMovie for the iPhone and have video calls with my friends/partners using Facetime but from these overlooked snippets of the WWDC keynote Apple is truly going for mobile/world domination online and offline. I’ll see you in line on June 24!

More links on the Steve Jobs Apple WWDC 2010 Keynote Address:

What impressed you during the WWDC keynote and will you be either upgrading or buying the new iPhone 4?